to seek His Kingdom first

join me in my adventure in New York Youth With a Mission Cornerstone!!!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Manhattan Prayer Station pictures

One of the ministries that we do as YWAM Cornerstone is going out into the city with a prayer station. Here are some pictures from a couple weeks ago. Enjoy and maybe even come and join us here at YWAM Cornerstone ;)

This was a Discipleship Training School Thursday activity/outreach into the city

We were in the Lower Manhattan - East side

Many were encouraged to see a Prayer Station in the city (our two Arts and Design students: Selgee and Richard)

Dahye getting contact information- so that we could continue praying for those we met on the street 

DTS students and staff praying for a woman 

It was an exciting time to share God's heart with the people on the street in Manhattan! 




  1. what does UFFDA mean??

  2. Uff da (can also be spelled huffda, uff-da, uffda, uff-dah, oofda, ufda, ufdah, oofta or ufta) is an expression of Norwegian origin adopted by Scandinavian-Americans in the 1800s. It is an exclamation of that is relatively common in the Upper Midwestern states of the United States. =)

  3. is it like "eik tu sau" ?
