to seek His Kingdom first

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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Mister Oswald Chambers is right

My Utmost for His Highest accompanies me in my morning quiet and sometimes not so quiet times before and with the Lord.

I have read his devotional more than once - but every time I read something I have already laid my eyes upon, my heart seems to find new and unexplored words and Ideas and responses of the soul.

I have to admit, I am not such a great fan endings - I much more enjoy the process of something happening than the end of it. Let's take Christmas as an example. When September ends and October knocks on the door - my heart gets all excited - I have 3 whole months of heart preparation for multiple feasts. Turkeys are sold, pumpkins are carved and eventually Christmas lights splash color over dark neighborhoods - the time of waiting and anticipating is thrilling and warms the heart during a chilly season.

Then it all ends. No pumpkins and no Christmas lights. Yes -I am a huge fan of Christmas lights.

Now, what does mister Chambers have to do with all of this you may be wondering?

It is January 8th and today I read about Abraham and his sacrifice Many people when listening to this story either out loud or in their minds respond 'how can he do such a thing - be willing to sacrifice his own son? And God? seriously....'

I did. Still do now and then - when my heart falls asleep and I forget who my Father is, His character and heart for me.

Mister Chambers writes ' This incident is a picture of the blunder we make in thinking that the final thing God wants of us is the sacrifice of death.'

True. Have you heard sentences such as these: pick up your cross every single day or you must die to yourself if you want to follow Christ? I think so.

Epic and scary. Why? Why do our hearts get so frightened at these words? Yes - we do often think that all God wants from us is to give up things - for the sake of what? Just dying? But didn't He say that He is the Way the Truth and the LIFE. In Him there is no death - only Life.

Mister Chambers also writes that ' It is of no value to God to give Him your life for death.' A sigh of relief and a question whether I truly know His character and His good plan for me and that truly and surely and indubitably in Him there is only LIFE.

All of this reminds me of a song from Jesus Culture

Listen, soak in His LIFE giving presence and be filled.


  1. Wow Gintaryt,
    siandien Facebooke uzmaciau tavo bloga :)
    Kaip faina skaityt tavo drasinancius zodzius.
    Pirmadieni gryzom su Dinant is konferencijos Augsburge, Vokietijoj. Ten yra 24-7 maldos namai, gal teko girdeti. Panasiu principu kaip IHOP Cansas mieste. O siandien perskaiciau tavo mintis apie nesibaigiancia malda: "nes Jis to vertas!" Tai issisiepiau iki ausu matydama kaip Jesus ta pacia minti ir meile Jam duoda skirtingiems zmonems visame pasaulyje. Dabar tikrai tas laikas, kai gimsta daug nauju nesibaigiancuos maldos iniciatyvu ne tik JAV, bet ir Europoje, ir pas mus Olandijoje, nes mano mieste :) Jis tikrai to vertas!
    Aciu, kad esi man palaiminimas ir padrasinimas siandien.
    Labai pasiilgau!
    Kristute ;)

  2. labas Kristute! Kaip gera is taves isgirsti - ir dar tiek daug gerio =)
    aciu uz padrasinima - labai daug dziaugsmo man tavo zinute duoda!
    Apie IHOP girdejau (daug) ir mokymu klausaus daznai, bet niekada ten nebuvau.
    Siandien - tu esi man palaiminimas ir padrasinimas!
    Taves irgi pasiilgau! =)
