to seek His Kingdom first

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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Joy of a Doormat

Are You Ready?

It's just there... hardly noticeable. Summer, spring, winter, fall - to shake of the dust and dirt from all the paths I tread so I could enter in. Enter in.

Paul is asking me (and you) in the letter to Philippians (chapter 2) if I am ready to be poured out as an offering. An offering is not to be taken back or reconsidered. It's a spill of water - never to be gathered back again into a basin. Stop and think.

For the Lord? Of course. For the work of another believer - as Chambers says, 'to pour out your life sacrificially for the ministry and faith of others?' A pause and a sigh.

Coming back to the doormat - Chambers throws out a challenge to many stating 'It is one thing to follow God's way of a service if you are regarded as a hero, but quite another thing if the road marked out for you by God requires becoming a "doormat" under people's feet'.

Serve - but never become a doormat. Be humble - but do not let others walk all over you.

Where does the cross fit into all of this? Where is the line? Is there a line? Where is my heart? Where is God's heart?

Didn't Christ Himself become sin? One who knew no sin became sin. One who does not know dust and dirt became a doormat so that many could enter in - for eternity.

Are you (Gintare) ready to be sacrificed like that? 'Are you ready to be less than a mere drop in the bucket - to be so totally insignificant that no one remembers you even if they think of those you served?' Only His name. Jesus.

so much more to learn and surrender.